CACI Facials

The world leaders in non surgical facials, CACI has a following including Mel Gibson, Lt Princess Diana, Elizabeth Hurley, Olivia Newton John, Barbara Windsor, Anthea Turner, Cliff Richard, Zoe Ball, Naomi and Valerie Campbell... to name but a few!

CACI Quantum works to restore and redefine facial muscles, reducing lines and wrinkles while stimulating tightening and toning sagging body muscles.

The Futur-Tec skin regenerator system is a non-invasive and non-abrasive, combining class 2 laser, micro-current, ultrasound and vacuum suction in one state of the art treatment system establishing Futur-Tec as the future of beauty.

New CACI Ultra Facials                                                                                                                                

90 mins £50.00 (New Customer *) 90 Mins £45 (Maintenance)
SPECIAL OFFER Course of Ten £450.00
CACI Ultra is a combination of the CACI Futur-Tec and Quantum for the ultimate muscle toning and skin rejuvenating facial available.  The CACI Quantum tightens and tones sagging muscles whilst smoothing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

The Futur-Tec uses four treatment phases in this unique facial is a non-invasive alternative to collagen injections. The treatment is designed to 'plump out' and reduce the appearance of deep lines and wrinkles.

CACI Treatment plus Hydratone Mask £60.00
Intensive skin hydration and face firming treatment in just 15 minutes. Specifically developed for individuals with busy lives, that  are short on time, and in need of a treatment than can deliver effective results. Hydratone combines active micro current rollers with unique, electrically Conductive gel mask that has been infused with powerful hydrating properties {collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamin c, vitamin e}. The roller's gently massage the face causing the mask to become 'charged' so that the whole face is bathed with rejuvenating energy.

CACI Hydratone Mask (Alone)
15 mins £20.00

CACI Treatment plus Jowl Lift
Improves the appearance of sagging jowls. Lifts and firm facial contours.

CACI Jowl lift (Alone)
30 mins £25

120 mins £75.00
Combining non surgical face lift, Futur-Tec micro lase comb, microdermabrasion and Caci jowl lift, going a step further for an amazing facial experience.

120 mins £80.00
A partnership made in heaven, combining of our two most popular anti-ageing treatments.

CACI Mesotherapy Infusion Facial
60 mins £80.00
The safe alternative to Botox. Erase years from your face and look naturally rejuvenated. The wonder molecule Hyaluronic Acid is injected painlessly 3mm into the dermal layer,it has the ability to expand 10 times its own mass in volume while promoting collagen synthesis and normal skin function.


Carat Facial
Carat skin peel facial intensive regenerative treatment effective programme against signs of aging skin and restores damage skin. 1 hour facial al with multipeel, retinol, lift ace and caviar. 
60 mins £60.00

Quartz Spa Crystal Facial
A relaxing face, neck and décolletage experience using Rose Quartz Palm Stones and our beautiful Calm Face, Body and Massage Oil. Incorporating pressure points to release tension, the microcirculation in the face is boosted and lymphatic drainage is improved.
45 mins £55.00


The celebrities' favourite, Crystal Clear is
THE original Micodermabrasion brand. 

By gently exfoliating the skin with Aluminium Oxide Crystals, Microdermabrasion can be used to solve a wide range of skin conditions on the face and body. Rejuvenating, smoothing lines and wrinkles, brightening dull, dehydrated skin and tackling blackheads and pores. It's also very effective for reducing acne scarring and pigmentation caused by sun damage.

You'll see the difference after just one treatment, but for even better results, a course of Microdermabrasion treatments is recommended.

Face Microdermabrasion Treatment
40 mins £45.00 
OFFER COURSE OF 6 for £250.00

Skin is expertly cleansed, Microdermabrasion tackles lines, wrinkles, pores, blackheads and dull skin, than our Mini Lift Mask is applied to hydrate and firm.

Deluxe Microdermabrasion
75 mins £60.00
The ultimate in skin rejuvenation. Starting with a mini back massage, then enjoy our full Microdermabrasion Treatment, and ending with an additional moisture hot. Great for very dry or dehydrated skin. Beginning with a back massage, head massage and hand massage.

Body Back Shine
30 mins £35.00
A full cleanse and microdermabrasion treatment for the back. Perfect for clearing up dry skin and small pimples, skin will instantly look clearer and smoother.

Celulite and Body Contouring Treatment
30 mins £35.00
Helps improve the appearance of skin on any area of the body, including stomach, backs of thighs and backs of arms. Skin is cleansed followed by a full Microdermabrasion, than our Body Firming Complex is massage in to help smooth and firm.

Hand and Foot Rejuvenation Treatment
30 mins £35.00
Instantly polishes and buffs away dry, rough skin on the hands and feet, the perfect addition to a manicure or pedicure.

Crystal Clear Eyes Bright Eyes
30 mins £45.00
OFFER Course of 6 £250.00
Course of 12 £450.00

Targets fine lines and wrinkles around the eye area, leaving you looking fresher and more awake. Skin is cleansed and Microdermabrasion is focused around the eye area and forehead, then our mini mask lift is applied to the eye area to thoroughly hydrate and lift.


Eve Taylor Signature Facial

Eve Taylor Cromosolo Microdermabrasion